Sunday, February 3, 2013


Baca judulnya kalian pasti udah pda tau klo itu quote dri Agnes Monica, ya ga apa lah... bukan berarti menjiplak, but she is my inspirator. Talk about dreams, it will be never end, when we can reach our dream there will be another new dream
Well !!!  Now lets talk about my own dream... when i was children, i  have a desire to be a Harry Potter, i know it was Non sense, but who care ??? It was in my childhood beside that i totally wanted to be in tv n evrbdy can watch me like an artist, may be u all think that its not gonna happen,but another things coming too fast ya... i know it often we call Miracle, the team from a famous tv come and make selection to choose 2 boys that will follow shooting for the famous program, and the one of that is me.... i feeling like amazing and i just can to say alhamdulilah for that. Now its very different and of course i always dreaming and believe that it would be comes true

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